Our Standards

We Do It Right

We take great pride in our craftsmanship. We take seriously our passion for “getting it right” each and every day. At Biggerstaff Construction, there is no substitute for quality. We have built our business and our reputation by “doing it right”. This is authenticated by our 40 plus years of satisfied clients.

We Build Relationships

Just as important as the construction of the home, is building relationships with the people who will enjoy it. Undertaking any construction project is a committed endeavor and it is paramount that our clientele feel comfortable from the project’s start. We make it a top priority to develop a rapport beyond typical contractor-client relations.

We Value Our People and Our Community

We treat our homeowners, our trade partners, and each other with respect and honesty, and pledge to give the very best we have to offer to every project. No matter what challenges we face or how difficult the project, we never waiver in our promise to deliver the home we committed to build. Because we also live in this community, we value these relationships and strive to give back where we can.